Director-General of Civil Aviation speaking on organization management
22 February 2011
Mr. Lo Shung-man, Norman, AE, JP, Director-General of Civil Aviation, shared with Observatory colleagues on 17 February 2011 his management experience and insight on organization management in our monthly management forum.
With his wide range of professional knowledge and rich management experience in the aviation field, Mr. Lo drew an analogy between the power provided by the functioning components of an aircraft or vehicle and the management and driving force of an organization. The talk was very innovative and covered the hardware and software aspects of an organization. It provides a lot of new thinking on organization management for the Observatory.
The Civil Aviation Department is responsible for providing air traffic control services to all aircraft operating within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region and the Area of Responsibility, and for regulating and monitoring of all matters relating to civil aviation in Hong Kong. The Observatory is closely linked to the Civil Aviation Department on meteorological services for international air navigation.
Mr. LO Shung Man, Norman, AE, JP, Director-General of Civil Aviation speaking in the management forum at the Observatory
The Director, Dr LEE Boon-ying (left), presenting a souvenir to Mr. LO Shung Man, Norman, AE, JP (right)