function initScollMenu(){ $(window).scroll(function(){ var window_top = $(window).scrollTop() + 175; // the "12" should equal the margin-top value for nav.stick var div_top = $('#nav-anchor').offset().top; if (window_top > div_top) { $('#scrollMenuNav').addClass('stick'); } else { $('#scrollMenuNav').removeClass('stick'); } }); /** * This part causes smooth scrolling using scrollto.js * We target all a tags inside the nav, and apply the scrollto.js to it. */ $("#scrollMenuNav a").click(function(evn){ evn.preventDefault(); $('html,body').scrollTo(this.hash, this.hash); scroll_top_height = 175; if(this.hash == '') $('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop: 0-scroll_top_height},'slow'); else $('html,body').stop().animate({scrollTop: ($(this.hash).offset().top-scroll_top_height)},'slow'); }); /** * This part handles the highlighting functionality. * We use the scroll functionality again, some array creation and * manipulation, class adding and class removing, and conditional testing */ var aChildren = $("#scrollMenuNav li").children(); // find the a children of the list items var aArray = []; // create the empty aArray for (var i=0; i < aChildren.length; i++) { var aChild = aChildren[i]; var ahref = $(aChild).attr('href'); aArray.push(ahref); } // this for loop fills the aArray with attribute href values /*$(window).scroll(function(){ var windowPos = $(window).scrollTop(); // get the offset of the window from the top of page var windowHeight = $(window).height(); // get the height of the window var docHeight = $(document).height(); for (var i=0; i < aArray.length; i++) { var theID = aArray[i]; var divPos = $(theID).offset().top; // get the offset of the div from the top of page var divHeight = $(theID).height(); // get the height of the div in question if (windowPos >= divPos && windowPos < (divPos + divHeight)) { $("a[href='" + theID + "']").addClass("nav-active"); } else { $("a[href='" + theID + "']").removeClass("nav-active"); } } if(windowPos + windowHeight == docHeight) { if (!$("#scrollMenuNav li:last-child a").hasClass("nav-active")) { var navActiveCurrent = $(".nav-active").attr("href"); $("a[href='" + navActiveCurrent + "']").removeClass("nav-active"); $("#scrollMenuNav li:last-child a").addClass("nav-active"); } } });*/ }