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9-day Weather Forecast

Bulletin updated at 05:50 HKT 14/Mar/2025

9-Day Weather Forecast

General Situation:
Under the influence of a humid easterly airstream,
visibility will be rather low over the coast of Guangdong
today and tomorrow. A cold front is expected to move across
the coastal areas overnight on Saturday and bring a few
showers to the region. There will be thunderstorms over
inland areas. Under the persistent influence of the
associated northeast monsoon, it will become cool over the
coastal areas on Sunday. The weather will improve gradually
early to midweek next week. It will be dry. The weather will
be cool in the morning and at night.

Date/Month 14/3 (Friday)
Wind: East force 3 to 4.
Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two light rain patches and
visibility rather low in the morning and at night. Sunny
intervals in the afternoon.
Temp Range: 21 - 25 C
R.H. Range: 80 - 95 Per Cent

Date/Month 15/3(Saturday)
Wind: East force 3, north force 4 to 5 at night.
Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few showers. Sunny intervals
during the day. Visibility relatively low in the morning and
at night.
Temp Range: 19 - 25 C
R.H. Range: 70 - 95 Per Cent

Date/Month 16/3(Sunday)
Wind: North force 4 to 5, occasionally force 6 offshore, up
to force 7 on high ground.
Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two rain patches at first.
Cool in the morning and at night. Dry with bright periods
during the day.
Temp Range: 15 - 20 C
R.H. Range: 55 - 90 Per Cent

Date/Month 17/3(Monday)
Wind: North to northeast force 4 to 5, occasionally force 6
offshore and on high ground at first.
Weather: Mainly cloudy. Dry with sunny intervals during the
day. Rather cool in the morning.
Temp Range: 14 - 19 C
R.H. Range: 45 - 70 Per Cent

Date/Month 18/3(Tuesday)
Wind: Northeast force 4.
Weather: Sunny periods. Cool in the morning and at night.
Very dry during the day.
Temp Range: 15 - 21 C
R.H. Range: 35 - 65 Per Cent

Date/Month 19/3(Wednesday)
Wind: Northeast force 4.
Weather: Mainly fine and dry. Cool in the morning and at
Temp Range: 15 - 21 C
R.H. Range: 40 - 65 Per Cent

Date/Month 20/3(Thursday)
Wind: East to northeast force 4.
Weather: Mainly fine and dry. Cool in the morning.
Temp Range: 16 - 22 C
R.H. Range: 45 - 70 Per Cent

Date/Month 21/3(Friday)
Wind: East to northeast force 4.
Weather: Mainly fine and dry.
Temp Range: 17 - 23 C
R.H. Range: 50 - 70 Per Cent

Date/Month 22/3(Saturday)
Wind: East force 4.
Weather: Mainly fine. Dry during the day.
Temp Range: 18 - 24 C
R.H. Range: 50 - 75 Per Cent

Sea surface temperature at 2 p.m.13/3/2025 at North Point
was 17 degrees C.

Soil temperatures at 7 a.m.13/3/2025 at the Hong Kong
0.5 M below surface was 22.4 degrees C.
1.0 M below surface was 22.6 degrees C.

Weather Cartoons for 9-day weather forecast
Day 1 cartoon no. 52 - SUNNY INTERVALS
Day 2 cartoon no. 54 - Sunny Intervals with Showers
Day 3 cartoon no. 92 - Cool
Day 4 cartoon no. 52 - SUNNY INTERVALS
Day 5 cartoon no. 51 - SUNNY PERIODS
Day 6 cartoon no. 50 - SUNNY
Day 7 cartoon no. 50 - SUNNY
Day 8 cartoon no. 50 - SUNNY
Day 9 cartoon no. 50 - SUNNY

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