Bulletin updated at 02:50 HKT 25/Feb/2025
9-Day Weather Forecast General Situation: The northeast monsoon will affect the coast of Guangdong today and tomorrow. It will remain cool in the morning over the region. Meanwhile, upper-air disturbances will bring a few rain patches to the region. With the departure of upper-air disturbances and under the influence of a humid maritime airstream, temperatures will rise progressively over the coast of Guangdong in the latter part of this week and early next week. There may be damp days over the weekend. It will be warm during the day. The northeast monsoon is expected to affect southern China midweek next week. Temperatures will fall over the region. Date/Month 25/2 (Tuesday) Wind: East to northeast force 4 to 5, occasionally force 6 offshore and on high ground at first. Weather: Mainly cloudy. Cool in the morning. A few rain patches later. Temp Range: 14 - 18 C R.H. Range: 65 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Low Date/Month 26/2(Wednesday) Wind: East to northeast force 3 to 4. Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few rain patches. Cool in the morning. Temp Range: 16 - 19 C R.H. Range: 70 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Medium Low Date/Month 27/2(Thursday) Wind: East force 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two light rain patches at first. Sunny intervals during the day. Temp Range: 17 - 21 C R.H. Range: 70 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Low Date/Month 28/2(Friday) Wind: East force 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. Coastal mist in the morning and at night. Sunny intervals during the day. Temp Range: 18 - 22 C R.H. Range: 75 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Low Date/Month 1/3(Saturday) Wind: East to southeast force 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two light rain patches and coastal mist in the morning and at night. Bright periods during the day. Temp Range: 19 - 23 C R.H. Range: 80 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Low Date/Month 2/3(Sunday) Wind: South to southeast force 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. One or two light rain patches and coastal fog in the morning and at night. Sunny periods during the day. Temp Range: 20 - 25 C R.H. Range: 75 - 100 Per Cent PSR: Low Date/Month 3/3(Monday) Wind: South force 2 to 3. Weather: Mainly cloudy. Coastal fog in the morning and at night. Sunny intervals during the day. One or two rain patches later. Temp Range: 20 - 24 C R.H. Range: 75 - 100 Per Cent PSR: Medium Low Date/Month 4/3(Tuesday) Wind: Light winds force 2, becoming north to northeast force 4. Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few rain patches. Temp Range: 17 - 21 C R.H. Range: 65 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Medium Low Date/Month 5/3(Wednesday) Wind: East to northeast force 4 to 5. Weather: Mainly cloudy with a few rain patches. Cool in the morning. Temp Range: 16 - 20 C R.H. Range: 65 - 95 Per Cent PSR: Medium Low Sea surface temperature at 2 p.m.24/2/2025 at North Point was 17 degrees C. Soil temperatures at 7 a.m.24/2/2025 at the Hong Kong Observatory: 0.5 M below surface was 20.7 degrees C. 1.0 M below surface was 22.1 degrees C. Weather Cartoons for 9-day weather forecast Day 1 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain Day 2 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain Day 3 cartoon no. 52 - SUNNY INTERVALS Day 4 cartoon no. 52 - SUNNY INTERVALS Day 5 cartoon no. 84 - Mist Day 6 cartoon no. 83 - Fog Day 7 cartoon no. 83 - Fog Day 8 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain Day 9 cartoon no. 62 - Light Rain