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First Stage of Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity

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First Stage of Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity

Editorial Board

This year marks the 140th anniversary of the Observatory. Through this Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity, the Observatory hopes to identify additional suitable names with Hong Kong characteristics for expanding the reserve list of tropical cyclone names of Hong Kong, China. The Observatory is also taking this opportunity is to raise public awareness and knowledge of hazards caused by tropical cyclones.

The first stage of the Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity was held online where participants were asked to submit their suggested tropical cyclone names via the dedicated webpage. The first stage of the activity ended on 31 July 2023.

After consolidation and initial assessment, shortlisted names will be made available for public voting online later this year, in the second stage of the activity, to select suitable tropical cyclone names with Hong Kong characteristics. Details will be announced in due course.

The Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity

The Tropical Cyclone Name Collection Activity