Weather Forecast for Local Aviation
Note: The forecast could be updated before the next issue time whenever there is newly expected occurrence or non-occurrence of significant weather as described below which may be hazardous to aircraft within 100-km radius of Hong Kong:
(a) Change of the tropical cyclone category
(b) Strong, Gale, Storm, and Hurricane force winds
(c) Thunderstorm/CBs
(d) Severe gusts
(e) Severe turbulence
(f) Significant low stratus
(g) Fog or thick haze/sandstorm/duststorm causing significant reduction of visibility
(h) Volcanic ash
(i) Radioactive cloud
Cuaca Regional
Local Weather Report
Ramalan Cuaca Regional Otomatis
My World City Forecast
My Location Lightning Info.
My Location Weather
Ramalan Cuaca 9 hari
Pencitraan Radar
Foto Cuaca