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Development, Research and Administration Branch

Development, Research and Administration Branch


Development, Research and Administration Branch

Assistant Director :
Ms SONG Man-kuen, Sandy
(Tel. No. : 2926 8222)

Climate Information Services and Tropical Cyclone Studies

Acting Senior Scientific Officer :
Mr CHOY Chun-wing
(Tel. No. : 2926 8360)

- Climate and meteorological database, data quality checks, and web information portal
- Climate observations, studies, projects and reports
- Climate information services and service development
- Tropical cyclone operational research and forecasting techniques
- Tropical cyclone best track analyses and case review

Geophysics, Time and Marine Meteorological Services

Senior Scientific Officer :
Ms LAM Ching-chi
(Tel. No. : 2926 8451)

- Earthquake and tsunami monitoring
- Astronomical information services and time services
- Marine and port meteorological services
- Oceanographic observations and applied research on physical oceanography
- Storm surge forecasting techniques and studies

Climate Forecast Services and Climate Change Studies

Senior Scientific Officer :
Dr LEE Tsz-cheung
(Tel. No. : 2926 8360)

- Climate diagnostics and liaison with climate forecast users
- Coordination and management of paid weather services
- Climate change public education and outreach activities
- Climate change studies
- Seasonal and climate forecasting

Corporate Communication, Publicity and Media Services

Acting Senior Scientific Officer :
Mr TSOI Tze-shun
(Tel. No. : 2926 8336)

- Corporate image building and publicity programmes
- Public education and outreach
- Media liaison and events
- Public opinion surveys
- TV weather service
- Library and publication services

Annex Block Project

Senior Scientific Officer :
Mr TONG Yu-fai
(Tel. No.: 2926 1541)

- Planning and coordination of the Annex Block project
- Consultation and liaison support for the Annex Block project
- Technical and administrative support for the Annex Block project

Quality Management and International Cooperation

Acting Senior Scientific Officer :
Dr LAM Hok-yin
(Tel. No.: 2926 1830)

- Overall establishment and implementation of quality management;
- Development of international / regional initiatives;
- Liaison with the World Meteorological Organization to promote international collaboration

Administration Services

Chief Executive Officer :
Ms SIU Sau-han Liza
(Tel. No. : 2926 8207)

- Service-wide and department-specific HRM initiatives; personnel and establishment matters;
- Departmental accounts and finance resources management;
- Procurement of goods and services; inventory management;
- General administrative and logistic support;
- Staff relations and "Happy Business" Programme