Performance Pledge
This Performance Pledge outlines our services, the achievements made in 2023 and the level of performance planned for 2024. It also discusses how our performance is monitored and describes the communication channels through which you may send us your suggestions or feedback on our services.
The Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters
Vision, Mission and Values
![Innovate with Science, Serve with Heart](../../en/abouthko/images/vmv.png)
Our Services
Weather Services
Operating around the clock, our Central Forecasting Office and Airport Meteorological Office are responsible for the preparation and dissemination of weather information, forecasts and various warnings on inclement weather to the public, marine and aviation communities. We also promote public awareness of, and community preparedness for, natural disasters.
Forecasters provide the public with up-to-date weather information and forecasts in the Central Forecasting Office
Aviation forecasters keeping a vigilant watch at the Airport Meteorological Office
Time Standard, Geophysical, Astronomical and Climatological Information Services
The aim is to maintain the Hong Kong Standard Time and to provide geophysical, oceanographic, astronomical and climatological information to the public.
We maintain the Hong Kong Standard Time and provide time signals for the public. We prepare, collate and provide geophysical, oceanographic and climatological information required for planning, engineering design and environmental impact assessments. We monitor earthquakes, tsunamiand the sea-level and release related information to the public. We also keep abreast of research and development on international issues such as global climate change and advise the public and government departments on likely implications.
Radiation Monitoring and Assessment
The aim is to provide information on environmental radiation levels in Hong Kong and advise government departments on the protective actions to take in the unlikely event of a nuclear incident.
We monitor ambient radiation levels in Hong Kong and conduct radiological measurements of air, soil, water and food samples. In the event of a nuclear emergency, we shall notify and advise government departments on the possible consequences in Hong Kong and recommend protective action. We organise training and exercises on radiation monitoring for other government departments involved in the Hong Kong contingency plan for nuclear emergencies.
Performance Monitoring and Improvement
We use various means to gauge the satisfaction level of our existing service and to pursue continuous improvement. These include public opinion surveys, objective weather forecast verification, adoption of a quality management system, customer liaison groups, and liaison with "Friends of the Observatory". Customers are also welcome to express their comments on our services through various channels, including telephone, fax and email.
Opinion Surveys
Each year we commission an independent market research company to conduct surveys regularly to gauge the public's perception of the accuracy of our forecasts, and the level of satisfaction with the overall service we have provided. The results of the survey conducted in 2023 indicated that on the average, the public considered 78% of the weather forecasts issued were accurate (Figure 1), and gave a score of 7.6 (out of 10) for the Observatory's overall service (Figure 2).
Figure 1 Percentage of forecasts perceived as accurate by the public
Figure 2 The public's satisfaction level with the overall services of the Observatory
(on a scale of 0 to 10, 10 being completely satisfied)
Objective Verification
We also verify the accuracy of our weather forecasts by means of an objective marking scheme (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Percentage of accurate weather forecasts as verified by our objective marking scheme
Quality Management
The Observatory is committed to provide quality services. The Observatory has been certified to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems for various areas of services, indicating international recognition of the quality management of these services.
Customer Liaison Groups
Customer liaison groups from different sectors such as transport, logistics, fishery, shipping, aviationand broadcast media meet regularly with us to offer opinions and suggestions to the services we provide. The meetings also discuss opportunities for further service improvements.
Friends of the Observatory
The "Friends of the Observatory" is a public group interested in our work. It serves to foster better communication between the Observatory and the community. Members of the public are welcome to join the group, membership of which is free and open. Since its establishment in 1996, the number of members has over 15,000. From time to time, members of "Friends of the Observatory" are invited to join focus groups meetings to offer suggestions to new services and products. Comments and ideas of members have been useful in identifying the needs of the public, which often result in service enhancements.
The Director photographed with volunteers of "Friends of the Observatory" and HKO's staff at the end of the Open Day 2023
Targets and Achievements
Our targets for our major services as well as our achievement in 2023 and planned achievement for 2024 are given below:
Our efforts to provide the best possible service have gained recognition both locally and internationally. The list of the awards we received in 2023 can be found in
We Welcome Your Suggestions and Feedback
Address: |
Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 134A Nathan Road Kowloon |
Fax: | 2311 9448 |
Email: | |
Complaints Handling
Complaints Officer
Hong Kong Observatory
134A Nathan Road
Tel: 2926 8468 (office hours)
Email :
Senior Complaints Officer
Hong Kong Observatory
134A Nathan Road
Email :