Yesterday's Weather And Radiation Level
Yesterday's Weather and Radiation Level
Bulletin issued at {0}
HKO Readings & Radiation Level
Yesterday's Weather and Radiation Level:
Duration of sunshine (King's Park): {8} H
The mean UV index recorded at King's Park yesterday was {9},
the UV intensity was {10}.
The maximum UV index for yesterday was {11}.
{Sea surface temperature (Waglan Island): |12| C}
Yesterday's ({13}) {14} (see Note). The average dose rates measured at the radiation monitoring stations over various parts of the territory were as follows :
Climatological Information for {23}
HKO Readings & Radiation Level
Yesterday's Weather and Radiation Level:
Hong Kong Observatory | ||
Maximum Air Temperature | {1} | C |
Minimum Air Temperature | {2} | C |
Grass Minimum Temperature | {3} | C |
Relative Humidity | {4} | Percent |
Rainfall | {5,Trace} | mm |
Total rainfall since 1st January | {6,Trace} | mm |
Against an average of | {7,Trace} | mm |
Other Stations | Min | Max |
{0} | {1} C | {2} C |
Duration of sunshine (King's Park): {8} H
The mean UV index recorded at King's Park yesterday was {9},
the UV intensity was {10}.
The maximum UV index for yesterday was {11}.
{Sea surface temperature (Waglan Island): |12| C}
Yesterday's ({13}) {14} (see Note). The average dose rates measured at the radiation monitoring stations over various parts of the territory were as follows :
Station | Yesterday's average (microsievert/hour) |
{0} | {1} |
- {15}
- {16}
- {17}
- {18}
- {19}