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Monthly Forecast

Monthly Forecast for March 2025

Hong Kong is expecting:
near-normal temperature
normal to above-normal rainfall

Additional information:
  1. The confrontation of the northeast monsoon and the humid maritime airstream over southern China is expected to bring wetter than normal weather to Hong Kong in the first half of March 2025.
  2. Temperature-wise, with rainy weather, the temperature in Hong Kong is expected to be normal to below normal in the first half of March 2025. The temperature will rise towards the latter half of the month. Overall, the chance of near-normal temperature of March 2025 in Hong Kong will be slightly higher.

Assessment (as of 28 February 2025):
  1. In the past month or so, sea surface temperatures of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific were near normal on the whole. Based on the latest oceanic observations as well as forecasts by a number of climate models around the world, the sea surface temperatures of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are likely to be normal to below normal for spring this year.

  2. Taking into consideration of the impacts of global warming and latest ENSO status, different climate model forecasts and other objective forecast guidance, the temperature of March 2025 in Hong Kong is expected to be near normal and the chance of normal to above-normal rainfall in the month will be slightly higher.

  1. The Observatory gratefully acknowledges the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the Tokyo Climate Center of the Japan Meteorological Agency and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA for providing dynamical prediction model forecast and hindcast data to support the formulation of monthly forecast for Hong Kong.

  2. Monthly Forecast for April 2025 will be available around 1st April 2025.

  3. Monthly mean temperature and rainfall categorical forecasts charts.

Monthly forecast charts provided by major climate centres:
For further information on this webpage, please contact Mr. W P Tse (tel:2926 8012,