“MyObservatory” is a personalized location-specific weather app developed by the
Hong Kong Observatory since 2010
The “MyObservatory” provides latest weather conditions, including the
actual weather data reported by weather stations nearby, location-based lightning and rainfall
forecast for the coming one or two hours, location based weather forecast for 9 days, weather
warnings, and a suite of information service provided by the Observatory. The latest addition of
“Dr. Tin” chatbot service provides information including local weather conditions, forecast,
warnings, tides, Hong Kong standard time, as well as weather forecast, sunrise, and sunset times
of major world cities in the form of question and answer.

The personalized weather service “MyObservatory” has
been well received with high popularity.

Launched in 2010
11 millions+
cumulative download
as at 2024
as at 2024

Available on