Forecast Operation
Senior Scientific Officer : Ms TSE Shuk-mei (Tel. No. : 2926 8371) Senior Scientific Officer : Mr HON Kai-kwong (Tel. No. : 2926 8331) Acting Senior Scientific Officer : Mr HE Yuheng (Tel. No. : 2926 1126) Acting Senior Scientific Officer : Dr LAW Hiu-fai (Tel. No. : 2926 1778)
- Forecast and warning operations for the public and mariners; - Setting up and management of weather warning systems; - Provision of meteorological services to government departments; - Development of forecast and warning service; - Provision of forecasting services on high-impact extreme weather and extended weather outlook; - Development and operation of numerical prediction systems
Service Delivery
Senior Scientific Officer : Dr PAN Chi-kin (Tel. No. : 2926 8358)
- Weather information dissemination; - Development of weather information services; - Weather observation and reporting; - Automation of operations in Hong Kong Meteorological Centre
Forecast Development
Senior Scientific Officer : Mr WONG Wai-kin (Tel. No. : 2926 8416)
- Development of nowcasting techniques for rainstorm and hazardous weather; - Operation of nowcasting systems; - Application of numerical prediction products in forecast and warning services; - Application of forecast and nowcasting systems in support of special projects and events
Forecast Systems
Acting Senior Scientific Officer : Dr HO Chun-kit (Tel. No. : 2926 8073)
- Meteorological operational systems; - Meteorological data management; - Development of digital forecast service; - International exchange of meteorological data