Tailor made Meteorological Services in Support of Airport Runway Re-designation
HKO News Bulletin for the Aviation Community (40th Issue)
The pavement of the Third Runway of the Hong Kong International Airport has been completed and the runway will become the new “North Runway” later this year. The former North Runway is now the “Center Runway” with the designation changed from 07L and 25R to 07C and 25C respectively on 2 Dec 2021 (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Runway Re-designation. The former North Runway now become
the Centre Runway and designated as 07C and 25C. The Third Runway will be put into operation
in 2022 and be designated as 07L and 25R.
The Hong Kong Observatory started to prepare for runway re-designation more than a year ago. Relevant meteorological systems and information for users were modified (Figure 2). In addition to working closely with Civil Aviation Department on system transition, the Hong Kong Observatory also provided special weather services to support Airport Authority to conduct outdoor works required for runway re-designation.

Figure 2: The Hong Kong Observatory modified runway specific meteorological products to cater for runway re-designation.
The Hong Kong Observatory is enhancing the meteorological systems and equipment to provide the necessary weather services to support the future operation of Three-Runway System.