Joint CAD-HKO Workshop on the Use of Weather Information in Support of Air Traffic Flow Management
A workshop involving HKO aviation weather forecasters of the Airport Meteorological Office and colleagues from the Air Traffic Management Division (ATMD) of the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) was held on 7 September 2018 at the CAD headquarters in the Hong Kong International Airport. The objectives of the workshop were 3 fold, including (1) to enhance the understanding of air traffic flow managers on the use of weather information, challenges faced in rapidly changing weather situations, (2) to explore ways to enhance the significant convection forecast product to better support the anticipated increase in air traffic both for the HKIA and the HKFIR, and (3) to enhance the understanding of aviation weather forecasters of the need of air traffic management. The workshop provided a good platform for interactions between front line staff and open-minded discussions on the key issues.

Figure 1: HKO aviation weather forecasters meeting colleagues from ATMD of CAD on the use of weather information in support of air traffic flow management