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A Weather Forecaster of China Meteorological Administration Attached to the Hong Kong Observatory

13 August 2009

Ms. Zhao Surong, a weather forecaster of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) visited the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) in late May for a month for technical exchanges on aviation weather services and attachment to the Observatory's Airport Meteorological Office. Ms. Zhao was briefed on the work of the Observatory, including the monitoring and forecasting of significant weather that impacts aviation safety, the provision of windshear and turbulence alerting service, and the development of rainstorm nowcasting system, numerical weather prediction system as well as quality management system. In return, Ms. Zhao shared with the Observatory CMA's experience in establishing the new Severe Weather Prediction Centre under their National Meteorological Centre. At the end of the visit, Ms. Zhao expressed that she was impressed by the development of nowcasting techniques, automation of weather forecast guidance and management of the forecaster team at the HKO.

Ms. Zhao Surong (middle, first row) taking a photo with Mr. C.M. Shun, Assistant Director of the Observatory (second left, first row) and his colleagues

Ms. Zhao Surong (middle, first row) taking a photo with Mr. C.M. Shun, Assistant Director of the Observatory (second left, first row) and his colleagues