Satellite Imagery of Interest : Sand/Dust Storm
11 May 2017
A new Satellite Imagery of Interest is now available on the Observatory's website. The imageries show the spread of sand/dust storms over the northern part of China on 3 and 4 May 2017.

Strong winds blowing over loose soil or sand can lift up large amount of sand or dust, and cause very low visibility, a phenomenon called “sand/dust storm”. These usually appear in grayish yellow on true colour satellite imageries. An animation of satellite imageries on 3 and 4 May 2017 shows the spread of sand/dust storms to the east over the Badain Juran Desert in northern China. (The imageries were captured by Himawari-8 satellite of Japan Meteorological Agency)
You are welcome to visit the Observatory's Weather Satellite Imagery webpage for details.