The Observatory Renews Service for Weather Map
31 December 2015
To enhance user experience, the Hong Kong Observatory will revamp the online weather chart services since 2016 to introduce more automated procedures in chart generation to enable the adoption on Geographical Information System (GIS), and to update the associated webpage. The weather charts will be updated 4 times daily. The new weather charts will be prepared in a unified style to include meteorological observations such as isobars, weather phenomena, temperature, wind speed and direction. Users may also check past weather charts prepared for 02, 08, 14 and 20H since 2016 on the new webpage.
Meanwhile, the Observatory's "Met on Map" website has also incorporated isobars of weather charts. Users may make use of the website to overlay information such as isobars, temperature, wind speed/direction, satellite images to enrich the content when viewing the weather chart.
Webpage links: Weather Chart webpage; "Met on Map"

Figure 1: The revamped Weather Chart webpage

Figure 2: Weather Chart overlaid with isobars, satellite images, temperature, wind direction/speed on the "Met on Map" web portal