New Update of MyObservatory for iOS and Windows Phone Providing Automatic Regional Weather Forecast
7 March 2016
The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) launched a new version of "MyObservatory" on iOS and Windows Phone platforms (version 5.2 for iOS and version 1.5 for WindowsPhone respectively) today (7 March 2016), featuring "Automatic Regional Weather Forecast" service that provides location-based weather forecast in Hong Kong up to 9 days.
Through the new service, not only 9-day forecast is provided for different locations, more detailed forecasts at 3-hourly intervals are also available at user's finger tips. In addition to 3-hourly forecasts of weather icons, temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, daily chance of rainfall at various locations in Hong Kong are also provided.
The "MyObservatory" is a free app. Users are welcome to download it at the following links
(iOS; Windows Phone).

Automatic Regional Weather Forecast