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Introduction to GMDSS Forecast/Warning

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Forecast

Forecast area
Broadcast medium
Broadcast schedule

Equator-30N, 100-125E.

INMARSAT(1) Enhanced Group Call (EGC)(2) SafetyNET(3) via the Coast Earth Station (CES)(4) at Yamaguchi, Japan.

INMARSAT EGC SafetyNET via CES at Beijing, China.

Broadcast 4 times daily at 0230, 0830, 1430 & 2030 Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC)(5).

Broadcast 4 times daily at 0330, 1015, 1530 & 2215 UTC.

Warning/Information for the South China Sea and adjacent seas:

  1. Warnings of gale/storm/hurricane force winds;
  2. Synopsis of significant meteorological features;
  3. 24-hour forecast on significant swell/high seas, thunderstorms/severe weather and sea fog/reduced visibility.


Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Warning
(GMDSS warnings will be issued when a tropical cyclone is located in the area bounded by Equator-30N, 100-125E.)

Warning area Broadcast medium Broadcast schedule Contents
Equator-30N, 100-125E. INMARSAT EGC SafetyNET  via the CES at Yamaguchi, Japan. Broadcast on receipt. Tropical cyclone warnings for the South China Sea and adjacent seas:
  1. Warnings of gale/storm/hurricane force winds;
  2. Position, intensity, movement of tropical cyclone and its 24-hr forecast position;
  3. 24-hour forecast on significant swell/high seas, thunderstorms/severe weather and sea fog/reduced visibility.


  1. INMARSAT stands for INternational MARitime SATellite Organization.
  2. Enhanced Group Call (EGC) is a system of automatic access in the shore-ship direction only which enables delivery of printed messages to individual ship, or groups of ships.
  3. SafetyNET is used for the broadcast of Maritime Safety Information to be received on EGC receivers.
  4. Coast Earth Station (CES) allows ship-shore and shore-ship communications via satellite. Ships can select the CES they wish to use.
  5. Hong Kong Time is eight hours ahead of Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC).