Climatological Mean Surface Winds Over The Asian Region (JAN - MAR)

Blue: Black: Red: Green: |
Calm Winds Light Winds Moderate Winds Fresh Winds |
Force 0 Force 1-2 Force 3-4 Force 5 |
The above mean values are calculated from the ECMWF/TOGA Basic Level III Data Sets* for 1985-1994. |
*Introduction to TOGA Data Sets
In order to better understand the tropical ocean/atmosphere system and its effect on the climate at higher latitudes, the Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Program was initiated in 1985 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). TOGA is a major component of the WMO's World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and has been effective in bringing together the international scientific research community to work on problems of global significance. The major elements of the TOGA Program Plan are modeling, empirical studies, process studies and long-term observations. Long-term monitoring is among the more focused of the program elements of TOGA. Data sets from the program are available to the international community from TOGA Data Centres. One of the data centres is at the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) in the United Kingdom. The above mean values are computed from the ECMWF/TOGA Basic Level III Data Sets for 1985-1994. |