Tropical Cyclone Warning For Shipping
There is no tropical cyclone warning for shipping*.
*Tropical cyclone warnings for shipping are issued by the Hong Kong Observatory for tropical cyclones located within the area bounded by 105E and 125E , 10N and 30N.
For other tropical cyclone related information, please visit the World Meteorological Organization Web Site - Severe Weather Information Centre.
Bulletin issued at {0}
Tropical Cyclone Warning
Tropical Cyclone Warning
The Hong Kong Observatory's tropical cyclone warnings for shipping are issued about one and a half hours after the time of observation. They incorporate additional information derived from surface and upper-air data and may therefore be slightly different from the real-time satellite or radar-based positions given in the hourly bulletins for public.
While the forecast positions and track indicate the most likely future path of the tropical cyclone, they may deviate from the actual path taken by the storm.

Tropical Cyclone Warning |
Track and Positions of Tropical Cyclones
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