
Successful Conclusion to “Design Competition for Hong Kong Observatory Tide Gauge Station at Tai Po Kau, New Territories”

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Successful Conclusion to “Design Competition for Hong Kong Observatory Tide Gauge Station at Tai Po Kau, New Territories”

CHAN Yan-chun

The Observatory, in collaboration with the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD), and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), organised the “Design Competition for Hong Kong Observatory Tide Gauge Station at Tai Po Kau, New Territories” last year (2020). The competition received a total of 45 entries, and the award presentation was held in the HKIA 1st Quarterly General Meeting 2021 on 18 March 2021. The winning and submitted entries can be viewed on a webpage of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA).

香The Director of the Observatory, Dr Cheng Cho-ming (seventh from the right in the front row), representatives of other co-organisers, and the winners of the design competition

The Director of the Observatory, Dr Cheng Cho-ming (seventh from the right in the front row), representatives of other co-organisers, and the winners of the design competition

Some of the winners attended the “Ocean, Our Climate and Weather” live webcast on 27 March, to share their design and award-winning experiences [in Cantonese].

The competition winners, together with representatives of CEDD (first from left), ArchSD (second from left) and HKIA (first from right), and the Director of the Observatory, Dr Cheng (fourth from left), in the Observatory’s live webcast

The competition winners, together with representatives of CEDD (first from left), ArchSD (second from left) and HKIA (first from right), and the Director of the Observatory, Dr Cheng (fourth from left), in the Observatory’s live webcast