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A better location for the Chek Lap Kok reference anemometer

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Better location for the Chek Lap Kok reference anemometer

Chong Sze-ning

To ensure that the reference anemometer network of the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal System effectively reflects the general wind conditions over Hong Kong, the Observatory regularly reviews the reference anemometer stations and makes adjustments when necessary. On 25 March, the Chek Lap Kok anemometer was relocated to the middle of the new North Runway, which is in a more favourable environment and enables more representative wind measurements than the original location.

Distribution of the eight reference anemometers in the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal System (the red dots). The green dot indicates the original location of the Chek Lap Kok anemometer.

Distribution of the eight reference anemometers in the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal System (the red dots). The green dot indicates the original location of the Chek Lap Kok anemometer.