Weather Chit Chat Issue 95 - New Milestones (November 2024)

Reconstruction of Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station completed
The reconstruction of the Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station has been completed. The new station began official operations in September 2024, monitoring the tide levels in Tolo Harbour. Its design was developed based on the winning entry, titled “Revealing the Tip of Iceberg”, of a design competition of the tide gauge station. (More……)

Strengthening information dissemination service related to Tropical Cyclones
To strengthen the information dissemination service related to tropical cyclones, the Observatory will issue “Special Weather Tips” messages through the “MyObservatory” mobile app, to keep the public notified regarding the latest news about tropical cyclone signals and weather changes when the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 9 may be issued.(More……)