The impact of El Niño and La Niña on Hong Kong rainfall
El Niño and La NiñaSeasonal and annual rainfall charts
Spring - El Niño brings generally more rainfall to Hong Kong compared to the ENSO-neutral state. Spring (March-May) rainfall of Hong Kong, 1950-2015 Summer - On average, rainfall recorded in Hong Kong during El Niño is slightly less than that under the ENSO-neutral state. However, the difference is not statistically significant. Summer (June-August) rainfall of Hong Kong, 1950-2015 Autumn - On average, rainfall recorded in Hong Kong during El Niño is comparable to that under the ENSO-neutral state. The difference is not statistically significant. Autumn (September-November) rainfall of Hong Kong, 1950-2015 Winter - El Niño brings generally more rainfall to Hong Kong compared to the ENSO-neutral state. Winter (December-February) rainfall of Hong Kong, 1950-2015 Annual Annual rainfall of Hong Kong Note: