Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals
Database records since 1946. Please refer to the page for historical tropical cyclone warning records between 1917 and 1941. For historical records of using typhoon gun and explosives as tropical cyclone warning in Hong Kong, please refer to the relevant webpage.
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Commencing 10 October 2011, the Warnings and Signals Database would also display the provisional records of recent warnings/signals in addition to the official records. Provisional records will normally be checked during the first working day after the expiry or cancellation of the warning/signal for confirmation to be accepted as official records.
NB: Records shown in blue background and Italic font are provisional information for reference only.
Signals No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 were used to signify gales from the NW, SW, NE and SE respectively between 1931 and 1972. To avoid misunderstanding by the public, the Signals No. 5 to 8 were replaced by the Signals No. 8 NW, 8 SW, 8 NE and 8 SE in 1 January 1973. The Signals No. 8 NW, 8 SW, 8 NE and 8 SE between 1946 and 1972 as shown in this database were originally the Signals No. 5 to 8 used at the time.
The "3*" as displayed in this database refers to the "Local Strong Wind Signal" adopted in Hong Kong between 1 January 1950 and 14 April 1956 which covered warning of strong winds due to monsoon or less intense tropical cyclones. With effect from 15 April 1956, the Strong Monsoon Signal and the Tropical Cyclone Strong Wind Signal No. 3 were introduced to delineate the warnings for monsoon systems and tropical cyclones.
S at Start Time or End Time column indicates Summer Time HKT + 1 hour.