Weather Chit Chat Issue 88 - Focus (February 2023)

Hong Kong Observatory Open Day 2022
Hong Kong Observatory Open Day 2022 was held on 26-27 November. Held together with the launch of the Online Open Day, the On-site Open Day staged a comeback after three years. Let’s learn more about it! (More……)

The Observatory Wins the Civil Service Enhancement Award Gold Prize
The Observatory again gained recognition in the Civil Service Outstanding Service Award Scheme 2022, winning the Gold Prize of the Departmental Service Enhancement Award (Small Department Category). In addition, for the project “Centenary of the Bell - Revival of Bell Chiming of the Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower”, the Observatory won the Meritorious Award of the Excellence in Partnership Award, together with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Development Bureau and the Architectural Services Department. (More……)

The Observatory Among Winners of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022
The Observatory won the Smart Living (Smart Lifestyle) Silver Award of the Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Awards 2022 for its “MyObservatory” mobile app. (More……)