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Weather Chit Chat Issue 91 - Climate Change (November 2023)

Weather Chit Chat
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climate change
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Hottest August on record

Hottest August on record

August 2023 was much hotter than usual in Hong Kong, mainly due to the warmer than normal sea surface temperature over the northern part of the South China Sea and a stronger than usual southwesterly flow in the lower atmosphere over the south China coast. Both the monthly mean temperature and monthly mean minimum temperature were the highest on record for August. (More……)

Latest Developments in Global Climate Change

Latest Developments in Global Climate Change

The “State of the Climate in Asia 2022 report” by the World Meteorological Organization states that the warming trend in Asia from 1991 to 2022 was nearly twice as fast as that in 1961 to 1990. In 2022, multiple natural disasters and extreme weather events occurred in Asia, causing serious human and economic losses. (More……)