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The Observatory launches a new set of Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs) on thunderstorms

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Lai Wang-chun

In September 2023, the Observatory launched a new set of TV and radio Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs) on thunderstorms, to enhance the public’s understanding of thunderstorms and their awareness of disaster prevention.

In the new TV API, the Observatory’s mascot, Dr Tin, plays the main character of an animation reminding the public to be cautious of squally thunderstorms, which can develop quickly. One moment it may be sunny, the next thundery. It will be even more dangerous if the storm is accompanied by squalls. When engaging in outdoor activities, the public should pay attention to weather forecasts, thunderstorm warnings and announcements at beaches, and check the latest weather forecast on the “MyObservatory” app.

The Observatory launches a new TV API on thunderstorm-related hazards