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The Observatory’s staff chaired an Expert Team Meeting on “Multi-Hazard Early Warning Technical Guidance”

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The Observatory’s staff chaired an Expert Team Meeting on “Multi-Hazard Early Warning Technical Guidance”

Yeung Hon-yin

At the invitation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Mr Yeung Hon-yin, Senior Scientific Officer of the Hong Kong Observatory, visited Geneva, Switzerland, from 6 to 8 December 2023, to chair the eighth meeting of the WMO Expert Team on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Technical Guidance (ETMTG). Through in-depth discussions and idea exchanges, the team of experts drafted a concept note and an implementation plan to support the upcoming “WMO Guide for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Support of National Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems, Procedures, Coordination Mechanisms, and Services”.

Mr Yeung Hon-yin (second from the left) with other expert team members in the WMO Headquarters lobby

Mr Yeung Hon-yin (second from the left) with other expert team members in the WMO Headquarters lobby

Mr Yeung Hon-yin (second from the left) with other expert team members in the WMO Headquarters lobby

Snapshot of the expert team in action