
Weather Chit Chat Issue 79 - New Milestones (December 2020)

Weather Chit Chat
New Milestones
Climate Change
HKO Online Tour
HKO Updates
More Information Provided in 'Dr Tin' Chatbot Service

More Information Provided in "Dr Tin" Chatbot Service

The "Dr Tin" Chatbot service was enhanced in July, to provide more information. Users may chat with "Dr Tin" through the MyObservatory app or the Observatory's Facebook Page. (More……)

Revamped Lightning Location Information Service Webpage

Revamped Lightning Location Information Service Webpage

The Observatory has revamped the Lightning Location Information Service webpage, to provide more convenient access to real-time lightning location information and lightning count distribution over Hong Kong. (More……)

Wind Gust and Relative Humidity Forecasts Now Available on "Earth Weather"

The Observatory enhanced the "Earth Weather" website in July, by introducing forecasts of wind gusts and relative humidity. (More……)

Weather Chit Chat Now on MyObservatory

Weather Chit Chat Now on MyObservatory

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Observatory's launch of the MyObservatory mobile app in 2010; cumulative downloads have exceeded 8 million. Members of the public may also browse Weather Chit Chat, the newsletter of Friends of the Observatory, on MyObservatory. (More……)