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The Observatory Organised a Workshop on Forecasting Hazardous Weather for Aviation

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The Observatory Organised a Workshop on Forecasting Hazardous Weather for Aviation

Ng Yin-lam

The Observatory organised an Online Workshop on Forecasting Hazardous Weather for Aviation during 4 to 6 July 2023. Through experts’ sharing and discussions with more than 270 participants from 24 States/Administrations in the Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region, the workshop aimed to improve hazardous weather forecasting for aviation, for both airports and the flight information region in the APAC Region. The workshop also included a training session on the Observatory’s Regional SIGMET Coordination Platform. The Observatory will continue collaborating with aviation meteorology experts, to contribute to enhancing aviation weather services in the region.

Mr Chan Sai-tick (top row, left), Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, welcoming workshop participants from different parts of the world.

The Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Mr Chan Sai-tick (top row, left), welcoming workshop participants from different parts of the world.