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Data Summaries

I. Meteorology

This table lists the meteorological data summaries published by the Hong Kong Observatory.
No. Title Year
1 Daily weather chart 1934 onwards
2 Monthly weather summary
Online version available from 1997 onwards
A more detailed version in PDF format available since December 2011:
1976 onwards
3 Meteorological results part I - surface observations (yearly) 1884 - 1939
1947 - 1986
4 Surface observations in Hong Kong (yearly) 1987 - 1992
5 Meteorological results part II - upper-air observations (yearly) 1947 - 1980
6 Summary of radiosonde-radiowind ascents (yearly) 1981 - 1992
7 Summary of meteorological and tidal observations in Hong Kong (yearly)

titled as "Summary of meteorological observations in Hong Kong" before 2006
1993 onwards
8 Meteorological results part III - tropical cyclone summaries (yearly) 1968 - 1986
9 Tropical Cyclones (yearly) 1968 onwards

10 Typhoon Wanda (supplement to meteorological results 1962) 1962
11 The severe rainstorms in Hong Kong during June 1966 (supplement to meteorological results 1966) 1966
12 Marine climatological summaries for areas 20057 and 21156 in the South China Sea (yearly) 1961 - 1970
13 Marine climatological summary charts for the South China Sea (yearly) 1971- 1990
14 Decadal marine climatological summaries for areas 20057 and 21156 in the South China Sea 1961-1970 ---
15 Marine climatological summary charts for the South China Sea 1971 - 1980 ---
16 Marine climatological summary charts for the South China Sea 1981-1990 ---

II. Others

This table lists the other data summaries published by the Hong Kong Observatory.
No. Title Year
1 Radioactivity bulletin (monthly)
pdf ~8MB: 1965 , 1966 , 1967 , 1968 , 1969 , 1970 , 1971 , 1972 ,
1973 , 1974 , 1975 , 1976 , 1977 , 1978 , 1979 , 1980
April 1965 - 1980
2 Radioactivity bulletin (yearly) 1981 - 1983
3 Radioactivity bulletin (Gamma activity) (1965 - 1980) ---
4 Radioactivity bulletin (Beta activity) (1973 - 1980) ---
5 Seismological bulletin (monthly) 1921 -1970
6 Magnetic results (monthly) 1884 - 1939
7 Magnetic results (yearly) 1972 - 1976
8 Geomagnetic data (yearly) 1977 - 1978
9 Air pollution monitoring results (monthly) 1969 - 1980
10 Environmental Radiation Monitoring in Hong Kong: Ambient Gamma Radiation Levels (monthly) 1993 onwards